La Phot’eau insolite de la semaine : The MILL DISTRICT of Niagara Falls, New York, 19th Century

La Phot’eau insolite de la semaine : The MILL DISTRICT of Niagara Falls, New York, 19th Century

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Chaque semaine le Rés-EAUx vous propose, en partenariat avec Water Alternatives Photos, une « Phot’eau insolite de la semaine », tirée de la galerie/albums Flickr de Water Alternatives.

A l’honneur cette semaine : « The MILL DISTRICT of Niagara Falls, New York » 19th Century.

Until the development of the New York State Reservation Park in 1885, nearly all the shoreline property along the Niagara Gorge and every viewing area of the Falls was privately owned. Following the creation of the Reservation Park, the State of New York continued to entice industrialization with an offer of cheap water power.

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